Fundraiser for Sand Digging Station and PTSA Programs 2025


Support Twain PTSA projects and programs, including this BIG playground enhancement!

Our goal is to raise $40,000 to install a Sand Digging Station on the Mark Twain Elementary sand field. This playground feature will provide a safe, enriching, and dedicated area for our students to enjoy sensory sand play. 





The students at Twain have shown a clear affinity for digging in the sand, but this has resulted in "potholes" all over the sand field. Importantly, these holes are a safety hazard for children playing on the field. The school's attempts to corral these digging dynamos using traffic cones has not been successful.



Creating an appealing and engaging area dedicated to sand play will then reserve the rest of the sand field for other activities and reduce injuries from tripping in the holes.

While this need has been acknowledged by school and PTSA leadership for a number of years, a dedicated PTSA committee formed this fall. We surveyed local schools and spoke with their representatives; we discussed options with Principal Goodfellow and the school district.

Please view this slideshow deck for project information

(originally shared at the January 23 PTSA meeting)  


This project is considered a "Sponsored Project" and is executed by the school district and funded by our Twain PTSA and community supporters.


The Lake Washington School District has quoted almost $40,000 for a 50 foot x 45 foot ADA accessible Sand Digging Station complete with boulders and diggables. This cost includes construction, installation, and materials.


Twain Elementary has committed to maintaining the Sand Digging Station in perpetuity, including sand refills. 


$40,000 is a big goal and we need your support big-time!

Our first deadline is $20,000 by April 1, 2025. 

Making this deadline ensures that we can submit our project to the district and gets us on their construction timeline.


To recognize donors, we plan to install a large recognition sign on campus. Donations will be recognized with varying sizes of paw prints and include name and dedication (dedications are included on donations of $1,000 and up). 


All funds collected will go toward our PTSA General Fund and work to support the Twain PTSA programs and projects, like the Sand Digging Station.

Donation amount
This giving level will receive an extra-large paw print with a name and dedication on our recognition wall. Additional special recognition to be determined.
This giving level will receive a large paw print with a name and dedication on our recognition wall.
This giving level will receive a medium paw print with a name on our recognition wall.
This giving level will receive a small paw print with name on our recognition wall.
 Donation of Your Choosing$
Would you like your donation to remain anonymous?



If your employer contributes MATCHING FUNDS, Mark Twain PTSA is a 501(c)(3) organization and your contribution is eligible for corporate matching. The email confirmation you receive will serve as your tax deductible receipt.
Do you have a question about this project? Please contact Molly Honig at or Principal Goodfellow at