Upcoming Events

Mark Twain PTSA is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)(3) parent, teacher, student association.

Our mission is to be a strong voice for children and a resource for our families, school, and community. We will do this by supporting programs and activities that advocate for children's well-being and enhance our school community. 


Latest News & Updates


Registration Open for School Play

9/27/2024 6:26 am

Attention All 4th + 5th Grade Thespians!

Registration is now open for the School Play. Details regarding auditions, time commitment, parent/guardian participation requirements, etc are now available. Click here for registration & audition details! 

The play will be performed at Lake Washington High School on November 22nd and 23rd.

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LINKS Lunch Buddy Mentors Needed at Twain

9/25/2024 12:13 pm

Kids are waiting - LINKS Lunch Buddy Mentors Needed at Twain Elementary!

Do you have one hour a week you can share with a child? Become a LINKS Lunch Buddy mentor! Mentors come during school hours once a week and spend the lunch hour in a pre-assigned area to eat, play games, make crafts, talk, go to recess, and do other agreed-upon activities. Help us provide social-emotional support...

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Put It on The Calendar!

9/21/2024 12:00 pm

We have three weeks of school under our belt and there's so much to keep track of! We know it's a huge bummer to miss events your child was wanting to attend, or miss out on ordering a yearbook or spirit wear.

So, here's a pro tip: subscribe to our calendar --dates and deadlines will simply auto-fill into your personal calendar. It's that easy! We have a few calendar options, so you can pick and choose what works best for you. Each calendar entry will be updated with the event details, keeping you and your family on track and connected!

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Staff Appreciation Snack Bar

9/20/2024 2:43 pm

Thank you to all the families who donated to our first week of school snack bar for our amazing Twain staff! We kept the snacks and drinks stocked every day to kick-off and celebrate the first week of school.

Special thanks to: Audrey Adler, McGinnes Ladd, Katti Swanson, Amanda Jackson, Malaika Silliker, Janine Sorenson, Heather Scott, Kate Winzig, Maria Gallegos, and Ana Cardenas. Also, thank you to our PTSA No-Hassle donors, whose monetary donations helped to fund some of the snacks. Email staffappreciation@twainptsa.org if you'd like to join the email list!

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Math Challenge is Underway!

9/18/2024 9:13 am

We're happy to announce that the monthly Math Challenge is back! Math Challenge Program (MCP) is a free math enrichment program for elementary students consisting of a series of challenging and interesting math problems. Challenge yourself with some math solving skills, Bobcats!!! Print a copy of Challenge Set 1 and submit the answers by September 25th.

Students who complete 12 sets will earn a recognition certificate in June.

Read on for full details.

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Spirit Wear Store Closes Monday, Sep 30

9/18/2024 4:00 am

2024 Mark Twain spirit wear is available to buy at our online store now through Sept 30th! Orders will be delivered to classrooms in late October/early November. Read on for more info.

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Volunteer & Student Signups


All volunteers on campus must be approved by LWSD. 

Click here to learn more and submit your application.  


Email volunteer@twainptsa.org with any questions. 


We appreciate any amount of time you are able to give-- with volunteer opportunities ranging from just a few hours to year long, from your couch at home to in-person at school, we have something for you!

This is also where you can sign up your student for certain events and programs!

Click the links below for more details and to sign up. (Don't see the links? Be sure to sign in.)


Get Connected  


Our directory is searchable by first name, grade level, AND teacher!


When you know your child's teacher, go to My Account - My Forms/Paperwork - Family Information to update it!


Let's make it easier to plan those birthday parties and meetups!

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