Upcoming Events

Mark Twain PTSA is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)(3) parent, teacher, student association.

Our mission is to be a strong voice for children and a resource for our families, school, and community. We will do this by supporting programs and activities that advocate for children's well-being and enhance our school community. 


Latest News & Updates


Save the Date for the Block Party on Sep 20!

8/31/2024 9:29 am

Bobcats, we are kicking off the school year with a favorite Twain event, the Block Party!

Join us on Friday, September 20th for bouncy houses, face painting, field games with Arena Sports and Backyard P.E., and new this year, a PETTING ZOO! 

Bring your whole family for this fun event and let’s kick off the 2024-25 school year with the BEST party ever!

More details on sales and volunteer opportunities to come. Check your next Bobcat Blurb and our website for updates.

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PTSA Meeting on September 12

8/28/2024 8:30 am

Please join us on Thursday September 12, at 7:00 pm in the Twain Library for our PTSA General Membership Meeting and New Family Orientation.

Learn about upcoming events, programs, and school grants. New Members will be able to learn about the school and Principal Goodfellow will be joining us to share updates and answer questions.  Orientation will include information about the school PTSA, After School Programs, and other events available for participation this year. Ms. Goodfellow be joining us to share updates; discuss things like Parent Square, Skyward, Pick up/Drop off procedures, and more. Read on for more information.

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Get a Head Start on the Year!

8/26/2024 6:30 am

Our 2024-2025 PTSA Board is back to work prepping for the school year and we want to ensure you're ready too! 

To get a head start, log in to the Twain PTSA website and complete our TWAIN PTSA BACK TO SCHOOL PACKET. There, you can join or renew your PTSA Membership, and take care of other important tasks like purchasing a Yearbook, contributing to our No-Hassle Fundraiser, and viewing our volunteer opportunities (no commitment required!).

Join the PTSA and Enjoy These Great Benefits...

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Bus Helpers Needed for the First Weeks of School

8/24/2024 9:31 am

Help get the school year started right!

Please join along with the PTSA and help Twain students and bus-riders find their way during the first days of school. *LWSD Approved volunteers only, thank you!

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Planning to Volunteer at School This Year?

8/23/2024 10:00 am

As always, we have a lot of fantastic activities and programs planned for the year, but they cannot happen without YOU! 

Before you can begin volunteering at school, you need to complete the online LWSD volunteer application. It only takes a few minutes! Click here to learn more and submit your application. Approvals are valid for 2 years. Read on for more information.

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Volunteer & Student Signups


All volunteers on campus must be approved by LWSD. 

Click here to learn more and submit your application.  


Email volunteer@twainptsa.org with any questions. 


We appreciate any amount of time you are able to give-- with volunteer opportunities ranging from just a few hours to year long, from your couch at home to in-person at school, we have something for you!

This is also where you can sign up your student for certain events and programs!

Click the links below for more details and to sign up. (Don't see the links? Be sure to sign in.)


Get Connected  


Our directory is searchable by first name, grade level, AND teacher!


When you know your child's teacher, go to My Account - My Forms/Paperwork - Family Information to update it!


Let's make it easier to plan those birthday parties and meetups!

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