
Invalid form.[E020-22]

EZ Grant Request

What is an EZ Grant request?

A primary goal of Twain PTSA is to support education. We grant money to offset classroom expenses and fund academic enrichment. Money has been budgeted to fund classroom supplies, cultural enrichment and tutoring, however, other needs may emerge over the course of the school year. Twain PTSA has allocated funds and developed a process to provide support for emergent needs via an EZ Grant.


An EZ Grant request can be for a project, program or items that would be paid from PTSA funds. The EZ Grants will be awarded to support the Twain PTSA mission, as well as enhance the curriculum and dynamic learning environment of Twain Elementary. EZ Grants should have a long term impact rather than one-time events or experiences. Priority will be given to those with school-wide application.


Who may submit an EZ Grant request?

The EZ Grant request may be submitted by Twain students and families, individual teachers, entire departments/grade levels and other members of the Twain learning community.


How does the review and approval process work?

Grant requests will be reviewed and awarded by the Twain PTSA EZ Grant Committee, using the funding criteria and principles listed below.

There are three EZ Grant application deadlines in 2024-2025: October 25th, January 31st, and April 4th. Applications may be reviewed off-cycle for cause.

Should the EZ Grant Committee recommend grant requests exceeding the annual budgeted amount, the committee will make a recommendation to the PTSA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will in turn make a recommendation to the General Membership for additional funding.


Funding Criteria and Principles:
• EZ grants are made for projects, equipment or supplies not traditionally funded or that are no longer funded by the school district.

• EZ grants are neither a promise nor a guarantee of future funding for any particular program. If your EZ grant is approved and requires expenses extending beyond the current school year, a request for those expenses must be made to the PTSA Treasurer for consideration for the following year’s PTSA Budget.

• Applicants should explore other sources of funding: councils, departments, districts, other associations, specific fundraisers, donations, etc.

• Projects that are funded by PTSA EZ grants should have proper adult supervision, if applicable.

• Items that are purchased with PTSA funds are property of the school, should be labeled with "funded by Twain PTSA" and should remain with school/classroom.

• EZ grants will not serve to reimburse anyone for a purchase that has already been made.

• EZ grants cannot fund salaries.

• Grant applications should include at least one (1) bid/cost estimate, when applicable. If awarded, additional bids may be requested by the Committee.

• EZ Grant recipients will be required to complete a short post-project form per grant at the end of the academic year.

To submit your EZ Grant Request, complete the form below. Anything marked with a * is a required field. Leave any non-applicable fields blank. Please note that you CAN save the form and return to it later if you need more time to complete it.

You will receive a confirmation email after submitting this form. The EZ Grant Committee will reach out to you with any questions.

Your Contact Information

What is your affiliation with Twain PTSA? Please select all that apply.*


Would you like the EZ Grant Committee to include any additional email addresses in their correspondence with you?

EZ Grant Request Details

If yes, please indicate who.


Project Costs


Grant Reporting: By clicking yes, I agree to complete a brief post-project report if my grant request is funded.