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January PTSA Meeting Recap

2/7/2024 11:21 am

On Thursday, February 1st, we had our second PTSA meeting of the year. We had a great, wide-ranging discussion on a variety of topics including field trips, school security, upcoming events, and SEL strategies like restorative conversations to model at home. Be sure to join us at our next meeting in April.


Some highlights:

Principal Goodfellow discussed the class field trips that would be happening this year. She also discussed the possibility of starting a 5th grade campout but needs to partner with parents. If you are a fourth-grade parent interested in this for your child next year – be sure to reach out to her to discuss. Principal Goodfellow also updated attendees on status of the flood damage and safety issues with the school.


The PTSA standing rules were amended to bring clarity that executive and board member meetings should be held at least once every two months. The budget was amended as follows:

  • Increase Explore Art program expense by $400 due to increase in cost of supplies

  • After School Programs received a general donation of $1,100 so the expense budget was increased to accommodate this.

  • Bingo Night income and expense line items were increased by $200 in case we need to buy more supplies. 

While the Financial Review Committee is off and running, we need people for the nomination committee to find people for next year’s board. If you are interested in helping out with finding our board for next year, or interested in the process, reach out to PTSA president – Heather Scott. The Block Party now has a Team Leader (thank you, Ms. Bridget!) but we still need some more planning committee volunteers to be sure we don’t have to cancel it. If you are interested, please contact VP Nicki Schulman.


Finally, Denise DeWalt gave an amazing presentation on SEL, restoring connection amongst students and tips and tricks for parents to use at home. Thank you Mrs. DeWalt!